I read a review of intern from Raontec and he explained his role at the company in so detail. So I thought it would be helpful to be prepared with such works.

Lists of works I’ll be playing with

  1. Spring Framework
    • Start with tutorials at the bottom https://spring.io/guides
    • Get advice from colleagues (Jisu, Haeun)
    • Study Java
  2. Javascript
    • Follow the lecture from https://opentutorials.org/course/743
    • Get advice from colleagues (NaHyun)
  3. mybatis
    • I think this will be included when learning Spring
  4. MVC
    • Probably also included when learning Spring
    • Need to build a website applied with MVC design pattern.
  5. ITS
    • Just write one post about the concept and example. Also, try to imagine what’s the correlation.

Summary of his review

  • He was given with a task before he started his job which was building a website with a dashboard applied with MVC design pattern.
  • This company was building Seoul traffic information system
  • Built a website with Spring Framework and used languages such as java, javascript, html and mybatis.
  • Query set sent to server, java source of internal logic and script for interface, he did everything so he states himself as full stack developer.
  • He mentioned about the concept of Bean in Spring.
  • Read many codes of web that perfectly applied MVC pattern.
  • Sent query back and forth from web to server.
  • Program more than 100 pages applying MVC pattern, Controller part made with java code was not so different but html or other scripts had different shape so his main task was to build dynamic query part.
  • He mentioned about using svn instead of github