Javascript Definitive Guide Chapter 3 Data type and value

Everything about my programming

3장 데이터 타입과 값 3.16 특수한 숫자 값 infinity: 무한대를 나타내는 특수한 값 Nan: 숫자가 아닌 특수한 값 수리연산(0 나누기 0 같은)이 정의되지 않은 결과를 산출하거나 에러를 발생시킬 경우에도 특수한 자바스크립트 값이 반환된다. 이를 Nan으로 출력한다. 이를 나타내기 위해선 isNan()이라는 특별한 함수가 필요하다. isNan이 아닌 동시에 무한대나 음의 무한대가 아닌지... [Read More]

Begin Learning Node.js

What is Node.js?

It’s been such a long time I posted on my blog. Recently, I started studying Node.js, trying to build a web server with it. Even though I was more interested in learning django-rest-framework, my friend suggested me to learn functional languages so that I can write codes more efficiently. I’m... [Read More]

Linux - File Permission and Ownership

ls -ld,chmod,chown,mv,rm

I mistakenly deleted other person’s file with rm command on AWS linux server. While I was trying to download extundelete program and utilize it, I suffered so much with permission problem. So I pick up this ‘Linux Bible’ book again and studied little bit about such problems. Before looking at... [Read More]

Reading Linux Bible

Creating Shell Environment

Friend borrowed me a book ‘Linux Bible’. Front part was so boring, discussing about history of linux. It was interesting and boring at the same time. Reason it was interesting is because it is the stories that people around me would be interested, but for me, it doesn’t really interest... [Read More]